Imaginary Gardens: Tuan Vu

Duran Mashaal is pleased to present Tuan Vu's first solo exhibition at the gallery. 


Montreal based artist Vu deliberately avoids seeking the ideal form, recognizing that the spontaneity of his gestures and the apparent "mistakes" he makes often lead to the creation of something unique and extraordinary. His artwork is a projection of his thoughts, his state of mind, and his subconscious, taking on a life of its own as he allows himself to be guided by his intuition.


Drawing inspiration from some of the world's most renowned artists, such as Gauguin, Bonnard, Redon, and Peter Doig, Tuan Vu uses a rich palette of colors to create works that are not only visually striking but also deeply thought-provoking. His art invites the viewer to explore different layers of meaning, often reflecting his own quest for identity in a world marked by environmental, social, and economic turmoil.